Complaints and feedback
Complaints and feedback
St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity aims to maintain a high standard in all of its work, and despite all of our best efforts, we also recognise that we may get this wrong at times.
Your feedback matters to us
We openly welcome your feedback, comments, complaints, suggestions and concerns about what we are doing well and what you think that we could do better. We value your feedback to help us provide and create the best possible resource for Frontline workers.
We are thoroughly committed to ensuring all Network Partner staff, wider organisations, clients and agencies are treated with respect and dignity.
If you would like to provide feedback to the Frontline Network, this can be made verbally or in writing via email and we will acknowledge this within 5 working days. We will then follow this up for further information and provide a timeframe on when and how we will address this issue accordingly.
How you can make a complaint
If you have a concern or wish to raise a complaint about anything to do with St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity or its activities, this can be initially raised verbally with the Charity Director on 07957 611203 and then followed up in writing.
Please ensure to outline your concerns as clearly as possible and include dates and important details. Please email complaints in writing to tim.bissett@stmartinscharity.org.uk or alternatively:
St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity
Trafalgar Square
St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity will acknowledge your concern/ complaint within 5 working days. This will then be followed up for further information and include a timeframe on when and how we will address this issue accordingly.
Please ensure to include the following information:
- Your name, contact telephone number, email, organisation name.
- Why you are raising this complaint.
- When and where the issue you are complaining about took place.
- Names of people involved.
- How you would like this to be resolved.
If you are still not happy with the outcome of your concern or complaint after this has been addressed by St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity, you are welcome to contact the Chairman of the Board of Trustees on chairoftrustees@stmartinscharity.org.uk